A lease car has been an evident business asset for many employees during recent decades. But times are changing. Especially for millennials, owning a car is no longer a necessity for moving around. Today the focus is more on flexibility, low costs and travelling with less impact on the environment.
Volkswagen Pon Financial Services (VWPFS) seized this opportunity and asked Kraftwerk and Fronteer to design the mobility service of the future.
Through expert co-creation, the VWPFS team and Kraftwerk we developed a new service, brand and company: Shuttel.
With Shuttel, employees have access to a wide range of transport options, from public transport to the shared vehicles of Greenwheels. All mobility transactions are registered online via the mobility card. VWPFS will soon launch an app for users of the Shuttel card.
Following an extensive research phase – in which we visited inspirational companies and start-ups during a Parallel Perspectives tour – we developed a strategy and first concept. Subsequently, we validated and enriched the Shuttel concept with potential users in Elevator workshops with both employers and employees.
Fronteer was responsible for strategy, positioning and process. Branding, design and development were done by Kraftwerk.
Duration from kick-off to mvp: 7 months
Proud users
We are excited to share that starting February 2019 we are now proud users of the Shuttel mobility service.
And we’re loving it!